The MAPS Process

A Digital Mapping Platform +

Expert Designed Person-Centered Transition Planning & Instructional Tools

Ready to transition your resource mapping to a person-centered learning process?

Together, we can enhance person-directed planning and pre-employment transition services with a map-based digital portfolio of opportunities, supports and services that follows with individuals through the many systems they interact with throughout life.

Through the MAPS process, individuals collaborate with their team and circle of support to document their transition experiences while also completing transition activities aligned with their post school goals for employment, post secondary education and independent living. MAPS have designed a proprietary process to empower individuals with disabilities with knowledge and access to resources that support attaining their vision for their best life, from transition-age through adulthood.

Through MAPS, Individuals with Disabilities…

  • Explore & Reflect on their Strengths, Preferences, Interests, Needs

  • Develop goals for employment, continued education, living independently

  • Identify experiences, opportunities and supports in their community that are aligned with their goals now and in the future

  • Together with their circle of support, create action steps that leverage their person-centered transition map & community-based/experiential learning to build self-knowledge and skills that will facilitate progress toward their goals.

The MAPS Platform & Process

  • Organizes all current transition resources with interactive media (pictures, video) and power of google (forms, uploads)

  • Collaborative tool to share with colleagues, students, and families that builds knowledge of and access to programs, services and opportunities aligned with an individual’s transition goals and across the lifespan

  • A person-centered plan that can grow with them as they move from the school system to the service system, serving as a virtual resume or portfolio.

    • Assessments

    • Evaluations

    • Reflections

    • Videos

    • Person-Centered Meeting Notes

    • Assignments Aligned w/ Transition Goals

    • Documenting Experiences

MAPS has been implemented with a range of partners

No matter the community, population or organization, the MAPS process is by design, highly flexible to meet the needs of a broad range of individuals.

The MAPS team has experience with supporting individuals, families, educators, agency staff and a wide range of community partners with everything from developing a single “Base Map”, up to district and even state-wide implementation!

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies & Providers

  • Post-secondary Inclusive Education Programs

  • School & Districts - large and small, rural to urban!

  • State Education Agencies

  • Parent-Training and Information Centers (PTI)

  • Non-Profits

  • State Developmental Disability Programs

  • Transition Councils

  • Youth Groups